胡氏是生於香港的指揮、小提琴和中提琴手。胡氏足跡 全球,曾於中國內地多國城市,包括北京、上海、天津 等城市表演,國外包括日本、美國、捷克、維也納等地表演。
胡氏指揮師承何柏文、道程、Kirt Trevor, Donald Schleicher和Tomas Netopil,並具有多年指揮青少年樂團經驗。當中包括、新界青年弦樂團、香港青年交響樂團、 2009年香港青年音樂營樂團、香港青少年管弦樂團等多 個樂團,致力提升樂團水平,推動樂團發展。同時亦獲 不同學校邀約指揮,英華小學、聖士提反書院、瑪利諾修院學校、香港培正小學等,獲獎無數。
演奏方面,胡氏曾與多個樂團合作,包括馬勒樂團、香港青少年室樂團、香港新界青少年弦樂團、香港愛樂團等,首演Piazzolla Four Season, arr for solo and orchestra,演奏莫扎特協奏曲全集等。
於2012年,胡氏獲邀為香港國際青少年愛樂團首席指揮。胡氏帶領樂團參與葵青國慶表演、 聖誕節音樂會、新年前夕倒數音樂會,亦獲香港無線電視邀請錄製「文化廣場」。於2014年 年初,胡氏亦帶領部分樂手到台灣交流。胡氏於2015年聖誔帶領樂團為胡桃夾子音樂配上動畫,廣獲好評。
Ms Annie Choi
M.Ed, University of Sheffield, UK
M.A. Music, Kingston University, UK
英國雪菲爾大學 (University of Sheffield) 音樂教育碩士
英國京士頓大學 (Kingston University) 音樂演奏碩士
曾任英國皇家音樂學院 教師教學證書及器樂考試即時傳譯員 ,英國皇家音樂學院術科考試傳譯,資深音樂老師 。
Ms Annie Choi
M.Ed, University of Sheffield, UK
M.A. Music, Kingston University, UK
英國雪菲爾大學 (University of Sheffield) 音樂教育碩士
英國京士頓大學 (Kingston University) 音樂演奏碩士
曾任英國皇家音樂學院 教師教學證書及器樂考試即時傳譯員 ,英國皇家音樂學院術科考試傳譯,資深音樂老師 。
陳氏出生於香港. 並在 香港演藝學院, Kingston University, Dartinton College of Arts, University of Chichester 接受音樂教育, 並獲碩士學位, 主修大提琴, 鋼琴演奏及教學研究。
曾師隨Prof. Laura Ritchie, 劉純如, Jay Hameston, 王磊, Dimitry Surikov, 宋亞林等學習大提琴演奏。
叧外,湯翠芬,潘德,何師能教授等學習 鋼琴演奏及伴奏法;亦隨 Dr. Siglind Bruhn 修讀樂曲分析研究及演奏教學法。
聲樂方面, 曾師隨江樺女士, 現仍師隨嚴仙霞女士及前著名 King's Singers 男高音Paul Phoenix 之訓練, 受各位良師薰陶, 擴闊音樂視野。
陳氏多年一直致力於音樂培訓工作, 自1998年至今, 兼任教學於香港教育大學作鋼琴導師 及2004年被香港音樂事務統籌處 聘任為青少年大提琴導師。
作為一位資深的教育工作者及表演者, 陳氏屢次參與不同樂團作演奏, 並舉辦各項學生訓練,交流及演出。 除此, 亦活躍於室樂演出及為學員們協作鋼琴伴奏。
2021年更獲邀成為 《 歐洲弦樂教師協會 》會員, 與海外各弦樂大師及導師交流教學心得, 獲益良多。
近年, 陳氏亦熱衷於聲樂合唱工作, 並加入雅韻合唱團 Hong Kong Bellissimo Singers 擔當女高音。亦參與 Paul Phoenix and John Rutter Music festival, 作個人獨唱比賽, 幸獲銀獎, 與各國樂手作交流切磋。
期間於本地及國內作專業演出, 深獲好評。
Mr. Otto Kwan
Otto Kwan served as concertmaster of the HK ABRSM Celebration Orchestra from 2015-2017. He is currently the second violin principal of the Learners Orchestra and the Ponte Orchestra and viola principal of the Pan Asia Orchestra and the Global Symphony Orchestra. Otto Kwan is one of the most versatile musicians in Hong Kong. A teacher of violin, viola, piano, trumpet and music theory, Otto's interest in music was fostered at an early age. Inspired by his mother, who was a piano teacher, Otto started formal piano training at the age of 5. He began learning violin the following year. Otto was admitted to the Academy for Performing Arts (APA) Junior Programme in 1986, where he then took up viola and trumpet. He has won numerous prizes in the annual Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Festivals, including first prize in both the Senior Viola and Trumpet classes as well as the String Ensemble class with various chamber music groups that he formed at secondary school.
In 1990, he toured with the Hong Kong APA Junior Chamber Orchestra in their extended tour to Europe and joined the Asian Youth Orchestra in 1992, performing in many Asian countries with conductor Lukas Foss and soprano Elly Ameling. In 1991 Otto was awarded a full scholarship to study at the Idyllwild Arts Academy Summer Programme in California, where he led the viola section, and received coaching from Alan de Veritch, student of the legendary Scottish violist William Primrose. Between 1993-95, Otto studied on full scholarship at the United World College of the Atlantic in South Wales, UK. He led the viola section in the College orchestra and joined the choir and orchestra tour to Germany and the Czech Republic.
Otto graduated in 1998 from the University of Durham, UK and was a very active member in the Music Department, playing both violin and viola in the University String Ensemble, Symphony and Chamber Orchestras. He also conducted a college symphony orchestra and coached a wind ensemble group. Otto has immense enthusiasm and passion for chamber music. He formed his own quartet at University and they performed regularly in the north-eastern region of England.
Upon return to Hong Kong in 1998, Otto has actively participated in many local orchestras and ensembles while working in the advertising industry and subsequently in the dealership of antique stringed instruments at Sandra Wagstaff Violins. Despite this busy schedule, Otto conducted regular music lessons on Sundays during this time. Since 2002 Otto has engaged himself as a full time instrumental teacher and holds a Certificate of Teaching by ABRSM (CTABRSM). Otto is well sought after both as a violin and viola player and continues to play in many local orchestras. Otto is currently engaged as a freelance musician for the HK Sinfonietta and the HK Philharmonic Orchestra. He also regularly performs with the Macao Orchestra. Otto also enjoys working with local Chinese instrumentalists and Cantonese pop artists including Eason Chan, Jacky Cheung, Miriam Yeung, Sammi Cheng and Ekin Cheng.
Mr. Otto Kwan
Otto Kwan served as concertmaster of the HK ABRSM Celebration Orchestra from 2015-2017. He is currently the second violin principal of the Learners Orchestra and the Ponte Orchestra and viola principal of the Pan Asia Orchestra and the Global Symphony Orchestra. Otto Kwan is one of the most versatile musicians in Hong Kong. A teacher of violin, viola, piano, trumpet and music theory, Otto's interest in music was fostered at an early age. Inspired by his mother, who was a piano teacher, Otto started formal piano training at the age of 5. He began learning violin the following year. Otto was admitted to the Academy for Performing Arts (APA) Junior Programme in 1986, where he then took up viola and trumpet. He has won numerous prizes in the annual Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Festivals, including first prize in both the Senior Viola and Trumpet classes as well as the String Ensemble class with various chamber music groups that he formed at secondary school.
In 1990, he toured with the Hong Kong APA Junior Chamber Orchestra in their extended tour to Europe and joined the Asian Youth Orchestra in 1992, performing in many Asian countries with conductor Lukas Foss and soprano Elly Ameling. In 1991 Otto was awarded a full scholarship to study at the Idyllwild Arts Academy Summer Programme in California, where he led the viola section, and received coaching from Alan de Veritch, student of the legendary Scottish violist William Primrose. Between 1993-95, Otto studied on full scholarship at the United World College of the Atlantic in South Wales, UK. He led the viola section in the College orchestra and joined the choir and orchestra tour to Germany and the Czech Republic.
Otto graduated in 1998 from the University of Durham, UK and was a very active member in the Music Department, playing both violin and viola in the University String Ensemble, Symphony and Chamber Orchestras. He also conducted a college symphony orchestra and coached a wind ensemble group. Otto has immense enthusiasm and passion for chamber music. He formed his own quartet at University and they performed regularly in the north-eastern region of England.
Upon return to Hong Kong in 1998, Otto has actively participated in many local orchestras and ensembles while working in the advertising industry and subsequently in the dealership of antique stringed instruments at Sandra Wagstaff Violins. Despite this busy schedule, Otto conducted regular music lessons on Sundays during this time. Since 2002 Otto has engaged himself as a full time instrumental teacher and holds a Certificate of Teaching by ABRSM (CTABRSM). Otto is well sought after both as a violin and viola player and continues to play in many local orchestras. Otto is currently engaged as a freelance musician for the HK Sinfonietta and the HK Philharmonic Orchestra. He also regularly performs with the Macao Orchestra. Otto also enjoys working with local Chinese instrumentalists and Cantonese pop artists including Eason Chan, Jacky Cheung, Miriam Yeung, Sammi Cheng and Ekin Cheng.
《第 2 季》《第 3 季》《第 4 季》《第 5 季》《第 7 季》
《第 8 季》《第 10 季》《第 11 季》《第 13 季》評判簡介:
《第 8 季》《第 10 季》《第 11 季》《第 13 季》評判簡介:
Ms Madeline Kam Man Yin
Fellowship of the Royal Schools of Music (Music Education)
Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music (Instrumental Teaching & Performing)
Diploma of the Royal Schools of Music (Principles of Instrumental Teaching)
Associate of the Royal Schools of Music
Advanced Certificate ABRSM
Certificate of Teaching ABRSM
Ms Madeline Kam studied both piano performance and pedagogy in the United States. She furthered her studies and attained CT ABRSM, ARSM, DipABRSM (Piano Teaching) and LRSM (Performing and Teaching) in Hong Kong. Madeline is the first CT ABRSM holder candidate in Asia to obtain the professional qualification of FRSM (Music Education). It proves her outstanding performance skills as well as her comprehensive musical knowledge through completing an academic essay related to diversities of Piano Teaching and Learning between Hong Kong and China by visiting across cities in China and interviewing numerous famous musicians and pedagogues.
Throughout the years, Madeline attended various concerts and she was invited to be the performing guests in seminars in Hong Kong and overseas. Besides piano performing, Madeline is passionate about piano teaching. She devotes herself into music education by running various music and piano teacher support courses and lectures across HK and Mainland China as well as giving music tuition at HK high school. She is now being the music mentor for the HKDSE and the interpreter for the course of CT ABRSM and other ABRSM professional development events as well as ABRSM examinations.
Apart from that, she also has been adjudicating different music and piano competition and also engaged in making recordings for various platforms. In 2018, she is appointed to be the Development Director of ESTA Education (UK) aiming at developing teacher supports in the music and music education industry in East Asia including providing workshops and courses to enhance their quality of teaching.
To extending her musical knowledge through the role of being a music teacher, Madeline discovers and reinforces every student’s ability in terms of playing the piano and appreciating music. Madeline’s students range from beginner to diploma level including universities music students and current school music and individual piano teachers. She dedicated to pursue her teaching philosophy of cultivating and nurturing students’ ability and humanity so as to achieve a higher standard of music education. For her own professional development, she is currently taking a Master Degree in Applied Professional Studies in Education at University of Sheffield in UK.
金氏於早年遠赴美國學習鋼琴演奏及教學法,回港後繼續深造,先後考獲CT ABRSM, ARSM, DipABRSM(teaching), LRSM (performing and teaching),更於2015年成為香港首位考獲「英國皇家音樂學院院士教育文憑」(FRSM in Music Education) 的專業資格;考試內容除了需要表現高水平的演奏外,為著完成一篇理想的論文,金氏不惜親到中國不同省份蒐集資料,造訪多位音樂名家,以完成一篇以「香港與中國內地鋼琴教學的差異」為中心的論文,得到多方面的認同和讚賞!
金氏多年積極參與不同的演奏會及研討會,並多次被獲邀請為香港及海外的音樂研討會作示範嘉賓。除鋼琴演奏外,熱衷於鋼琴教學法及音樂教育的金氏,為教學的理想不遺餘力,從不同的範疇,獻出自己對音樂教育的熱情,不時在香港和中國各地舉辦不同的音樂課程和講座,對音樂和鋼琴老師提供教學上的支援。金氏現為香港中學文憑(HKDSE)音樂科出任音樂導師,亦為「英國皇家音樂學院教學証書」課程, 其他多個專業音樂發展課程及英國皇家音樂學院考試作現場翻譯。
除此以外,金氏亦為多個音樂及鋼琴比賽擔任評判及為不同平台進行錄音工作。2018年,金氏被英國教育機構ESTA Education委任為發展總監,目的為東南亞的音樂老師提供不同的工作坊和課程,幫助及提升他們的教學質素。
無論教授鋼琴演奏或鋼琴教學法,金氏同樣能為學生提供專業意見及發掘他們的潛能。現有學生的年齡層和範圍極廣,由初級學生至高級文憑,大學音樂系學生至現職音樂教師及鋼琴導師等;金氏因才施教的教學法,以及其音樂的演奏能力加上獨到的理念,達至培育出學生有更好的音樂造詣及修養,致力推動更高水平的音樂教育。金氏為達致更專業的水平,現正在英國的University of Sheffield 攻讀應用專業教育碩士學位。
Fellowship of the Royal Schools of Music (Music Education)
Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music (Instrumental Teaching & Performing)
Diploma of the Royal Schools of Music (Principles of Instrumental Teaching)
Associate of the Royal Schools of Music
Advanced Certificate ABRSM
Certificate of Teaching ABRSM
Ms Madeline Kam studied both piano performance and pedagogy in the United States. She furthered her studies and attained CT ABRSM, ARSM, DipABRSM (Piano Teaching) and LRSM (Performing and Teaching) in Hong Kong. Madeline is the first CT ABRSM holder candidate in Asia to obtain the professional qualification of FRSM (Music Education). It proves her outstanding performance skills as well as her comprehensive musical knowledge through completing an academic essay related to diversities of Piano Teaching and Learning between Hong Kong and China by visiting across cities in China and interviewing numerous famous musicians and pedagogues.
Throughout the years, Madeline attended various concerts and she was invited to be the performing guests in seminars in Hong Kong and overseas. Besides piano performing, Madeline is passionate about piano teaching. She devotes herself into music education by running various music and piano teacher support courses and lectures across HK and Mainland China as well as giving music tuition at HK high school. She is now being the music mentor for the HKDSE and the interpreter for the course of CT ABRSM and other ABRSM professional development events as well as ABRSM examinations.
Apart from that, she also has been adjudicating different music and piano competition and also engaged in making recordings for various platforms. In 2018, she is appointed to be the Development Director of ESTA Education (UK) aiming at developing teacher supports in the music and music education industry in East Asia including providing workshops and courses to enhance their quality of teaching.
To extending her musical knowledge through the role of being a music teacher, Madeline discovers and reinforces every student’s ability in terms of playing the piano and appreciating music. Madeline’s students range from beginner to diploma level including universities music students and current school music and individual piano teachers. She dedicated to pursue her teaching philosophy of cultivating and nurturing students’ ability and humanity so as to achieve a higher standard of music education. For her own professional development, she is currently taking a Master Degree in Applied Professional Studies in Education at University of Sheffield in UK.
金氏於早年遠赴美國學習鋼琴演奏及教學法,回港後繼續深造,先後考獲CT ABRSM, ARSM, DipABRSM(teaching), LRSM (performing and teaching),更於2015年成為香港首位考獲「英國皇家音樂學院院士教育文憑」(FRSM in Music Education) 的專業資格;考試內容除了需要表現高水平的演奏外,為著完成一篇理想的論文,金氏不惜親到中國不同省份蒐集資料,造訪多位音樂名家,以完成一篇以「香港與中國內地鋼琴教學的差異」為中心的論文,得到多方面的認同和讚賞!
金氏多年積極參與不同的演奏會及研討會,並多次被獲邀請為香港及海外的音樂研討會作示範嘉賓。除鋼琴演奏外,熱衷於鋼琴教學法及音樂教育的金氏,為教學的理想不遺餘力,從不同的範疇,獻出自己對音樂教育的熱情,不時在香港和中國各地舉辦不同的音樂課程和講座,對音樂和鋼琴老師提供教學上的支援。金氏現為香港中學文憑(HKDSE)音樂科出任音樂導師,亦為「英國皇家音樂學院教學証書」課程, 其他多個專業音樂發展課程及英國皇家音樂學院考試作現場翻譯。
除此以外,金氏亦為多個音樂及鋼琴比賽擔任評判及為不同平台進行錄音工作。2018年,金氏被英國教育機構ESTA Education委任為發展總監,目的為東南亞的音樂老師提供不同的工作坊和課程,幫助及提升他們的教學質素。
無論教授鋼琴演奏或鋼琴教學法,金氏同樣能為學生提供專業意見及發掘他們的潛能。現有學生的年齡層和範圍極廣,由初級學生至高級文憑,大學音樂系學生至現職音樂教師及鋼琴導師等;金氏因才施教的教學法,以及其音樂的演奏能力加上獨到的理念,達至培育出學生有更好的音樂造詣及修養,致力推動更高水平的音樂教育。金氏為達致更專業的水平,現正在英國的University of Sheffield 攻讀應用專業教育碩士學位。
Ms Grace HS Chan
Grace is a pianist, an international piano teacher, lecturer, professional educator and academic researcher with whom was awarded three music scholarships in Hong Kong. She is an experienced piano teacher starting music teaching since 1981. (FHEA), a fellow member of Higher Education Academy in the UK qualified as professional HE lecturer teaching in Higher and Professional Education. She has designed and taught many professional piano courses and workshops from absolute beginners to university degree students (diploma to master) as well as professional pianists/instrumentalists in particular for improving performance on stage both in Hong Kong and the UK.
In London, she teaches a variety piano courses including Access to Higher Education – Introduction to Music, Diploma in Music, Certificate in Music Study and Piano for
Grace is a pianist, an international piano teacher, lecturer, professional educator and academic researcher with whom was awarded three music scholarships in Hong Kong. She is an experienced piano teacher starting music teaching since 1981. (FHEA), a fellow member of Higher Education Academy in the UK qualified as professional HE lecturer teaching in Higher and Professional Education. She has designed and taught many professional piano courses and workshops from absolute beginners to university degree students (diploma to master) as well as professional pianists/instrumentalists in particular for improving performance on stage both in Hong Kong and the UK.
In London, she teaches a variety piano courses including Access to Higher Education – Introduction to Music, Diploma in Music, Certificate in Music Study and Piano for Performance ( Music Degree) at Goldsmiths College in Performing Arts (PACE) and Music departments for many years. In 2012, she was nominated by many of her piano students for an excellent teaching award at Goldsmiths, University of London.
She is also a visiting lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in the Drama and Music Departments as well as regularly lecturing to degree-level music students in other universities Hong Kong. She has been invited to teach as a visiting lecturer at the Symphony Orchestra Academy in Shanghai and Xinghai Conservatory of Music, China.
Ms Grace HS Chan
Grace is a pianist, an international piano teacher, lecturer, professional educator and academic researcher with whom was awarded three music scholarships in Hong Kong. She is an experienced piano teacher starting music teaching since 1981. (FHEA), a fellow member of Higher Education Academy in the UK qualified as professional HE lecturer teaching in Higher and Professional Education. She has designed and taught many professional piano courses and workshops from absolute beginners to university degree students (diploma to master) as well as professional pianists/instrumentalists in particular for improving performance on stage both in Hong Kong and the UK.
In London, she teaches a variety piano courses including Access to Higher Education – Introduction to Music, Diploma in Music, Certificate in Music Study and Piano for
Grace is a pianist, an international piano teacher, lecturer, professional educator and academic researcher with whom was awarded three music scholarships in Hong Kong. She is an experienced piano teacher starting music teaching since 1981. (FHEA), a fellow member of Higher Education Academy in the UK qualified as professional HE lecturer teaching in Higher and Professional Education. She has designed and taught many professional piano courses and workshops from absolute beginners to university degree students (diploma to master) as well as professional pianists/instrumentalists in particular for improving performance on stage both in Hong Kong and the UK.
In London, she teaches a variety piano courses including Access to Higher Education – Introduction to Music, Diploma in Music, Certificate in Music Study and Piano for Performance ( Music Degree) at Goldsmiths College in Performing Arts (PACE) and Music departments for many years. In 2012, she was nominated by many of her piano students for an excellent teaching award at Goldsmiths, University of London.
She is also a visiting lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in the Drama and Music Departments as well as regularly lecturing to degree-level music students in other universities Hong Kong. She has been invited to teach as a visiting lecturer at the Symphony Orchestra Academy in Shanghai and Xinghai Conservatory of Music, China.
Ms Dorcas Wong
《第 5 季》評判簡介:
Ms Karen Kwok
Karen is a Dalcroze and Kodaly trained musician. She gained her BMus(Hons) from Lancaster University and an MA in Music Education from the Institute of Education, University of London. Upon graduation, she established her own private teaching practice in London for pupils of all ages and of all levels. Karen’s unique and holistic approach in teaching has helped many young learners develop into competent and well-rounded musicians. Karen provides them not only guidance to succeed in music examinations but also a lifelong enjoyment of music.
Karen has a strong interest in conducting, musical theatre and music education research. She has founded and conducted numerous choirs and orchestras in the UK and has produced and directed two bilingual musicals in London. As well as being a Classically trained pianist, Karen is also experienced in piano improvisation, leading Christian worship and training musicians in various settings. Karen is a professional member of the European Piano Teachers Association (EPTA), Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), Music Teaching Professionals (MMA) and a member of Dalcroze UK.
Karen is a Dalcroze and Kodaly trained musician. She gained her BMus(Hons) from Lancaster University and an MA in Music Education from the Institute of Education, University of London. Upon graduation, she established her own private teaching practice in London for pupils of all ages and of all levels. Karen’s unique and holistic approach in teaching has helped many young learners develop into competent and well-rounded musicians. Karen provides them not only guidance to succeed in music examinations but also a lifelong enjoyment of music.
Karen has a strong interest in conducting, musical theatre and music education research. She has founded and conducted numerous choirs and orchestras in the UK and has produced and directed two bilingual musicals in London. As well as being a Classically trained pianist, Karen is also experienced in piano improvisation, leading Christian worship and training musicians in various settings. Karen is a professional member of the European Piano Teachers Association (EPTA), Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), Music Teaching Professionals (MMA) and a member of Dalcroze UK.
《第 4 季》評判簡介:
Ms Jenny Wu
Professional Piano, Harp and Vocal teacher . Over 25 years of experience as a music educator. She also conducted in children choirs and being the accompanist in varied choir. Last 10 years, she has organised lots of charity concerts mainly focus on raising funds for underprivileged children in Hong Kong. Her latest performance was the participation in CTABRSM Alumni Conference Concert in Singapore Jun 2016.
Professional Piano, Harp and Vocal teacher . Over 25 years of experience as a music educator. She also conducted in children choirs and being the accompanist in varied choir. Last 10 years, she has organised lots of charity concerts mainly focus on raising funds for underprivileged children in Hong Kong. Her latest performance was the participation in CTABRSM Alumni Conference Concert in Singapore Jun 2016.
《第 2 季》評判簡介:
Ms Peggy Tsui Pik Yee
Peggy began cello and piano studies at the age of nine with Hung Lap and David Cooper. From 1996-2000,she was the Principle Cellist of the Hong Kong Youth Orchestra. Peggy performed frequency including Hong Kong Handover Celebration in 1997, music office Annual Gala, HKUST Music Exchange Concert.
After graduation, Peggy began teaching cello and double bass in groups at Primary and Secondary schools, and piano in her own studio. At the same time,she also became an interpreter of ABRSM practical exams. She received her CT ABRSM in 2001.
In 2012, Peggy has been appointed as a examination superior and Certified Music tutor of Vienna Music Examination Board.
Peggy received her Master Degree in Psychology of Education in 2013. After graduation, she went to Chelmsford in UK studying a music course and awarded the Diploma of the London College of Music in Music Teaching.
《第 1 季》《第 3 季》評判簡介:
Ms Kannaz Kwok